Managing Infra with TerraformEvery IT company needs a place to run its website, internal projects, client-facing websites, database, and many other things. To support…1d ago1d ago
Managing permissions to your Cloud | Intro to Identity and Access Management | IAMLots of companies run their applications & store data in Cloud. Employees and customers of a company would also interact with the Cloud…Sep 22, 2022Sep 22, 2022
Divide your application into smaller chunks | Intro to microservice & DockerAn application always starts small. As it matures, more features and code gets added and becomes larger. Eventually, the application gets…Sep 8, 2022Sep 8, 2022
Keeping up with the traffic | Auto ScalingLet’s assume that you added more features to your website. It gathers information from user, writes to database, shows users various data…Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
Distribute the incoming traffic | Balancing load | Load BalancerIn publishing-a-website, we looked at a sample website running on a single Virtual Machine (VM) in the cloud. If your VM was terminated…Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
Keeping track of your VMAfter creating a VM and deploying an application on it, if disk/memory/cpu usage increases drastically then your application may stop…Aug 15, 2022Aug 15, 2022
Publishing a WebsiteLet’s say you have an awesome idea for a website. You spun up a VM in cloud and started working on the content for your website. This post…Aug 12, 2022Aug 12, 2022
Disk storage on cloudWhen we buy a laptop or mobile phone, disk storage is an important consideration. The same applies to your VMs running in a Virtual Private…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Running a machine in a private cloudLet’s say if you want to try out an operating system, you might have to get a hardware, install operating system. If you already have a…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022